Comvision: Fighting Traffic menace with technology

The world today sees an alarming increase in Traffic congestion. The urban areas of Both emerging and developed countries suffer serious traffic problems.In the modern urban world, it would be difficult to locate a metropolitan city that does not have a traffic problem. Vehicles are indispensable for contemporary modern life. High number of vehicles is the majorContinue reading “Comvision: Fighting Traffic menace with technology”

Comvision: We Take Away all your Traffic Woes

Commuting is part n parcel of everyday life. Many people dread hitting the roads. Traffic congestion and motor accidents are key concerns in the daily life of citizens and travelers. Traffic jams are frustrating; road congestion can prompt honking, aggression, and even accidents as impatient drivers try to force their way through. Bringing some semblanceContinue reading “Comvision: We Take Away all your Traffic Woes”

Here are the Benefits of the Speed Monitoring System for Vehicle

Monitoring the speed of each automobile in your fleet can be done with any speed monitoring system and quality vehicle tracking. A GPS tracker will offer a logically precise estimate of vehicle speeds and will pass on them to a central hub where they can be read in actual time and are recorded for future reference. SomeContinue reading “Here are the Benefits of the Speed Monitoring System for Vehicle”

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